This page is dedicated to highlight the fact that owners Eric Odom and his wife Jenna Odom have scammed the Cardano crypto community for more than $800k. The project was named Prosperia, many promises made but none delivered.
Until the money is repaid to the Prosperia community this page exist. Be careful with Eric and Jenna Odom, they seem to be friendly and nice but they will betray you. They only care about themselves, do not believe their lies. These people from “DRIVER LINEUP“, or their new name “Drive Line“, will scam you and betray you. (be wary for @DriverLineup)
Be careful with his sweet talk on podcasts and more. Common ones we know is: driverhub, “”, new nicknames “Eric the Redbeard”(theericredbeard), JoBangles and most likely more as he rampages on.
Cardano activities
The activities from Driverlineup Eric Odom are mints for NFT and the selling of his own token $PRSPR:
ICO – 211,490ADA
Multipass Mint – 47,250ADA (45A mint price)
Multipass Royalties – 7,173ADA (3%)
Zepper Mint – 230,295ADA ( 65ADA mint price)
Zepper Royalties – 14,560ADA (5%)
Moon Mint – 310,320ADA (60ADA Elite mint price)
Moon Royalties – 4,820ADA (5%)
TOTAL = 825,908 ADA SCAMMED from the community
Evidence against Eric Odom
Evidence for those interested:
Please note that nearly all his websites are down or have changed like driverlineup, luckily the internet never forgets.
prosperia website multipass and other info about the rug project
Erics face at Prosperia, note that Jenna is there as well. None of the other team members had access to any resources and we’ve created StarForged out of the chaos.
Driverlineup website with Cardano mention, at the new one this is removed
On Discord, communication platform, Eric Odom nicknamed himself Driverlineup Eric Odom, aka “Prosperian X”. See his empty promises and the ADA/$ he asked here:
Screenshots Prosperia Discord

First of all a post by Eric, which he connects himself with Jenna and signs with his name. Jenna also posted a message below it.

A racing game, one of the reasons one would buy the Zepper NFT. Never happened.

The first mint “Multipasses”, each costing 35 ADA.

5000 Zeppelin moon plots and lots of new empty promises. No one ever saw a map or habitats, only empty words from Eric Odom.

Zepper mint, which connects with the first image about a racing game that was never developed.